Running trains

I hear so much about operations but was just wondering if there are any like me.  I just enjoy just watching trains run, building rolling stock and working on scenery.  I've been involved in operations but at times it's like watching grass grow.  Maybe I'm missing something ?


Motley's picture

Sometimes I just like

Sometimes I just like watching trains run also. Sometimes I run my trains prototypically, with switching, car destinations, etc.

I mix it up, too much of one thing gets boring.


You have to like the layout, the trains, the people ...

A successful operating session requires a lot of positive factors for me. I have to be interested in the layout's configuration, scenery and trains. The physical arrangement of the layout needs to be comfortable; I am below average height so very high benchwork, where I need a step stool to reach into scenes to uncouple cars, rapidly becomes tedious. There needs to be enough room to move around each other, reasonable temperature and lighting. I need an efficient dispatcher who forgives errors, even when they create work for him. I need compatible personalities among the other operators. When any of these is "off," well, it becomes just a chore, and who needs his hobby to be a chore? I think operations fail for a lot of people when 2, 3 or more of these factors are "off".

And because I'm a little fussy about that, yes, I'm with you, there are many times when I like to just run trains on my own layout and be left alone.

Bill Brillinger's picture

No, nothing missing...

You hear about ops, because ops ads a lot of complexity that requires research, much learning, and discussion. Watching trains is great, and it does not require anything but trains, and place to run 'em.

Railfaning and Model Railfaning are certainly popular past times, but other than sharing photos, I guess there's not a lot to talk about.

I think one of the most prolific MRH posters is a model railfan - Michael Rose. We've all seen his blog and how much he's putting into his layout. Intended largely for chasing trains.  I guess we do hear about it!

How about posting some of your recent work or a model railfan video and getting the discussion going?

- Bill
Modeling the BNML in HO Scale, Admin for the RailPro User Group, & owner of Precision Design Co.


Mix It Up

I prefer operations such as switching but sometimes it's nice to watch trains run especially on a large layout. 


Modeling Missouri Pacific Railroad's Central Division, Fort Smith, Arkansas

Train running

For some of us running trains is way down the list and actual operations is way below that. Watching a train snake its way around my layout is indeed a pleasure but not what sustains my interest in the hobby. Actually, it has been over a year since the last train ran on my layout and it may well be months or even years before one runs again. So there are people out here that love model railroading but are far removed from any kind of operating activities. As I have read from our esteemed publisher here on MRH, model railroading is indeed a big tent.

Operating Layout

I have a point to point operating layout.  I do have the end points connected so I can break in trains.  (It also allows me to run unit coal trains without turning the trains.  Loads run one direction MTYs the other direction.) 

When I am at my workbench I like to run a long train around the loop.  I enjoy the sound of the metal wheels and the sound locomotives.

The best of both worlds!

Neal M's picture

Great Topic!

I always thought operations WERE running trains! I had a layout with industries, mainline tracks and staging tracks. All I did was to run trains on the layout for all to see, yours truly.

A few years ago, I was taken to a friends layout and shown around. At that time they put me to work on running a train, which turned out to be how they 'operate' on this layout. I was so enamored with this concept that I rebuilt my entire layout and now hold operating sessions when its my turn to host. I can still run trains around the layout when I have friends or family guests who are not into trains watch them go around the layout, or when I want to run them while I do work on various parts of the layout.

Now I have my cake and eat it too!


When I...

get to the point of finally being able to run trains on my layouts, I've found my progress on the layout goes way down! Why, because I just love to watch the trains roll. Oh sure, I like operations too, and my current layout is designed for that. But there's also something to be said for just putting the trains on mainline and watching them go. I just love it! Must be the little kid that's still in me. That's the great thing about this hobby. There's so many ways to enjoy it. So don't worry about what others like or don't like. Use the hobby to find what gives you joy and satisfaction. After all, isn't that what a hobby is all about?

Paul Krentz

Free-lancing a fictitious portion of the N&W Pocahontas "Pokey" District

Read my blog

tschwartz's picture

One man op session

I have never tried a true operating session with schedules etc. I do like running my trains, working on kits etc. I have had many one man operating sessions. By that I mean let one train run slowly around my layout. Then move cars around with another locomotive all the time giving the other train the right of way.  I believe I could run an op session for my mine which could keep three people busy. The closest fellow model railroaders that I know of are 400 km away.  Maybe one day I will get a visitor and we can operate the layout.

Tim Schwartz Having fun in HO

Virginian and Lake Erie's picture

I like running trains and

I like running trains and just watching them go. I also like operations enough to even do them by myself, run my train a local and switch the cars it is supposed to pick up and drop off, or run a long freight and switch it into the yard. I also like the building of kits tuning locomotives and the construction work that goes with building the layout. I enjoy all aspects of the hobby except wiring. That is a bit of a chore to me so on my next layout, I have none now I will be eliminating as much of it as possible.

I suspect there are lots of guys that just like to watch em run and if the spectators at the shows are any indication that is the most popular activity.

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