
Mycroft's picture

Well, it has been a series of milestones passed this week.

1.  I sold my last 2 big DC power packs, leaving me with the small one for Merit Badge Academy's test track

2. I finished rewieghting the LAST of my rolling stock to NMRA or above weight standards (that may not sound like much, until you realize that I am talking about 223 units, and all weighting is hidden inside.)

3.  All rolling stock has metal wheelsets, except a couple that can't due to power pick up issues.  All units have Kadees or equivalent.

4.  Got 3 more cars towards my Panama Limited coming this week....(the good stuff - Walthers cars).

5.  A couple weeks back I splurged and bought a DCC power pack and stuff to go with my controller, now to get those modules back up and running.....

6.  Hit an e-bay auction for a dummy SW7 cow/calf pair.  Swapping covers around, renumbering 2 units and changing out couplers will give me 2 yard engine sets instead of 1 with cow/calf pairs, both with 1 power unit and 1 dummy.


Overall a good train week!

jimbob133's picture


That is quite a lot of work that you have gotten done in a short time . Keep up the good work .

  Jim Ross

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