Out with the old, in with the new

Just posted on TrainMasters TV - Act II of the March show: End of The Line: Dismantling a layout ... here's an out-take!

TrainMasters TV producer Barry Silverthorn sat down with Lionel Strang to discuss 20 years of building the Allegheny & Lackawanna Southern,  Before you know it, Lionel talks himself into a new plan.

To see more, go on over to the TrainMasters.tv website.

joef's picture

Full of insight

All kidding aside, I find this week's segment is full of insight. More modelers need to share their learnings, which includes mistakes to avoid, like these guys point out.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine

Joe Fugate's HO Siskiyou Line

Read my blog

Michael T.'s picture

Ughhhh....puffball trees.....there has to be a better way...

I cringed at the Appalachian layouts because of the puff balls but Marty's trees and scenery are excellent looking. I'm normally not a fan of layouts set in autumn but his is very well done. Lots of good advice though. Having a large layout is not the be all end all a lot of us make it out to be.



Original member of the "Gang of Six"

R.I.P. Verne Niner. The time I got to know you was way too short my friend.

"We all model the prototype, to suggest otherwise is ridiculous"

My Pike, https://mrhmag.com/blog/MichaelT


Marty McGuirk's picture

Thanks Greg

The layout scenery is the result of the lessons learned of several previous less than successful attempts at modeling fall. I've been toying with an article on the thought process and techniques I use to create the fall colors, but since so few modelers, like you, find fall colors appealing I'm not sure an article would be worth the effort or be all that well received. 




Marty McGuirk, Gainesville, VA



Nike had it in one, and Mastercard gives you the justification..

Dear Marty,

How it is recieved by the masses is not the critical element. How it is recieved by that one active fellow modeller who really wants to model fall, and has been yearning for such an article to guide him/her is, in the words of Mastercard, "priceless"...

Do it, I for one would love to see such an article from you... ;-)

Happy Modelling,
Aim to Improve,
Prof Klyzlr

Bill Brillinger's picture

uhhh yeah,,,,

don't hold back because you think it won't be popular!

Do it, I for TWO would love to see such an article from you... ;-)

- Bill
Modeling the BNML in HO Scale, Admin for the RailPro User Group, & owner of Precision Design Co.


Bring it on Marty

Modeling the fall season is difficult to accomplish convincingly. We're all seen nice eastern and mid-western layouts set in the fall that disappoint because the foliage just seems too uniformly garish. You're managed to represent the subtleties of color and texture that are necessary to set that season without assaulting the eyes with too much intense red, yellow, and orange.

I'd be interested, that's for sure. Otherwise I'll be tempted to copy Mike Confalone's scenery. smiley


Michael T.'s picture

The reason I'm not a fan of autumn scenery...

.... is just that....the colors are usually too bright and garish. I've seen some fall days where everything was really bright and colorful for sure but somehow that does not scale down well to models.  Your tree colors seem much more subdued and look perfect. Also I like the detail of your trees.  I think an article on how you've accomplished it would be great.


P.S. Who is Greg?smiley


Original member of the "Gang of Six"

R.I.P. Verne Niner. The time I got to know you was way too short my friend.

"We all model the prototype, to suggest otherwise is ridiculous"

My Pike, https://mrhmag.com/blog/MichaelT


Large Layouts

Great video. I also have a large home layout and I agree with the authors. As model railroaders building the layout over the years is fun, keep the aisles as wide as possible, keep the scenes shallow to avoid reaching into the layout, a finished room for the layout makes it inviting to place to work.


Again, excellent segment!

VERY interesting episode with super insightful commentary. I don't know who comes up with the format or gets these guys talking but In every aspect of production you guys are hitting home runs. I'm amazed.


Marty McGuirk's picture


I guess you're Greg! (sorry)

I was typing pretty late at night - have no recollection of typing "Greg" at all...

Again, I apologize.


Marty McGuirk, Gainesville, VA



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