Out with the old, in with the new

Just posted on TrainMasters TV - Act II of the March show: End of The Line: Dismantling a layout ... here's an out-take!

TrainMasters TV producer Barry Silverthorn sat down with Lionel Strang to discuss 20 years of building the Allegheny & Lackawanna Southern,  Before you know it, Lionel talks himself into a new plan.

To see more, go on over to the TrainMasters.tv website.

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How we come up with this stuff

VERY interesting episode with super insightful commentary. I don't know who comes up with the format or gets these guys talking but In every aspect of production you guys are hitting home runs. I'm amazed.


Simple: We're serious model railroaders ourselves and we make videos on the stuff we'd like to know. Add to that someone like Barry who's background is in production for network TV and you have a great combination.

Another of our goals is to make video that even non model railroaders would find interesting, kind of a "wow, that was interesting ... Now I kind of see why you like these trains..." response. The idea is modern video that will bring more respectability for the hobby from the public.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine

Joe Fugate's HO Siskiyou Line

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The other problem is that

The other problem is that bright fall foliage pins you down to a 7-10 day (or less, some years...) period in the fall. Spring/summer and winter have much broader time periods that they match in appearance.


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Changing Layouts

This episode has made me feel better about my decision to change not just model railroads, but theme and location. For six years, I have been modeling then limestone industry of Southern Indiana on the Milwaukee Road. My small switching layout has been fun, but I feel I cannot do anymore with it. Even with an expansion.

So I will switch to the Beer Line in downtown Milwaukee, WI, set in the mid 60s. This will also be more accommodating to having two operators, as my son has been wanting a layout that we can both run on. He feels he has outgrown the layout I built him a few years ago. And by making this switch, I get to run FM switchers, which I love. I also get to have a greater mix of rolling stock. And a bigger layout.

Change is good, and this episode of TMTV proves it. Thanks guys!

Hauling beer on the Milwaukee Road's Beer Line in the late 1960s.

YouTube Channel and Facebook Page: BeerLineModeler

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