Covered Hoppers on the Layout

Wilkem Scientific Covered HopperCaum Salt Covered HopperDetroit & Machinaw Covered HopperSpokane International RR Covered HopperSpokane International Covered HopperStauffer Chemicals Covered Hopper

To All: Today I start a series on covered hoppers I run on the layout. Photo #1--Wilkem Scientific was heavily weathered. This is a freelanced car. Photo #2--Caum Salt is a car I picked up used.
It has been modified for salt service. Photo #3--I use this Detroit & Machinaw RR covered hopper for cement service, as seen by the heavy weathering job. Photo #4--This Spokane International covered hopper is a Bowser product. Photo #5--A Walthers SI covered hopper. I painted and lettered the car. Photo #6--I weathered this Stauffer Chemicals covered hopper. Yours, Elvin Howland/E. St. Louis Rail Group Layout


don_csx's picture

Caum Salt Co.

What kind of hopper is the Herald Caum Salt Co. hopper (CRX 13506)?

Take Care, Stay Safe, Happy Modeling & God Bless. 

Donald Dunn


Herald Caum Salt Co Hopper

Donald: I am sorry, I do not know the manufacturer. The side boards and mechanism

             were scratch built by someone. I bought the car used at a train show many

             years ago. I do not even know if it is prototype. Yours, Elvin Howland

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