Questions, Answers, and Tips

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Questions, Answers, and Tips - Model trains - MRH column February 2015






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Scale and Gauge

Hi Gang:

I wish we could adopt a more common sense way to designate Scale and Gauge. I would like to suggest using numerical ratios such as 1:87 for HO and 1:160 for N. Then use the true gauge of the track you are using in millimeters. So HOn30 would be 1:87\9mm and standard gauge N would be 1:160\9mm. So no "code" letters for various scales, everyone can see what ratio you are working at and the gauge of the track you are using.

 Respectfully, Carl.

Virginian and Lake Erie's picture

Great tip Nelson a friend of

Great tip Nelson a friend of mine was talking about that very issue a few days ago I will share your tip with him as he does not yet have the internet or a smart phone or a computer at home.

Nelsonb111563's picture

Thanks Rob!

All my SW's I have ever done weather DC or DCC, I have installed #5's in their own draft gear by drilling and tapping the mounting pad for a 2-56 screw.  Benefits are ALL metal coupler and still is insulated.

Nelson Beaudry

Kennebec, Penobscot and Northern RR Co.

Dcc impulses

On the proto87 stores web site there is a "how to do" section on using ceramic magnets to replace the magnets in open frame motors to upgrade them to the level of can motors. Do you have any opinions on this? Marty cooper

Marty cooper

Rio Grande Dan's picture

MRH Q-A-T Great again

Q-A-T is always a good read and reminds me of both old and new Tips and Ideas as well as general information I've

learned over the years and forgotten or just not thought about for awhile.


Rio Grande Dan

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