Column - Getting Real: Layout design with a saw

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Getting Real - MRH Issue 10 - Nov/Dec 2010






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Love the Salty talk!

A nice article overall, but the sidebar on Salty Talk was the thing for me... not nearly enough of the non-mariners know about the lingo, and if they're going to model it, operate on it, or photograph it, they ought to know what they're looking at.  Nice job.  Now, "turn to!" on that layout sailor!



Norm Wolf
Check out my blog:

Marty McGuirk's picture

The "salty talk"

 sidebar was an afterthought - but one that seemed appropriate. 

I'm busy working on some actual models (for once!) after two straight years of benchwork, track, and wiring. 

I was getting a little burned out - the change of pace has been good!!




Marty McGuirk, Gainesville, VA


Driline's picture

Figure 5 Buildings

 Are those foam core mock up buildings I see in figure 5? They look cool. I've used them before on my layout and liked them so much that I detailed some buildings and just kept them on the layout.

MODERATOR NOTE: We deleted your signature image because it was the Photobucket ransom image.

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