
rgs_info's picture

More scenery work - Ophir highline cuts in wonderful cardboard (for now)

Life slowed down a little, and I'm back to working on the Ophir highline scenery...


arthurhouston's picture

ROCK RIDGE SN 3 Oustanding Modular Layout

This outstanding modular layout was displayed at the recent LSR-NMRA Convention. Hope you enjoy this work of art.

More to come for DFW.

Colorado Railroads's picture

MRH Dedication Shows Worthy Goal, Leads Me By Example

As a fellow follower of Jesus, I really do like the dedication page at MRH! I've even linked to it on my web site's FB page. Specifically, I appreciate how they don't invest in model railroading, but in the hobbyists!

A sheep is a sheep. Unless it's a goat.


Here we have Preiser sheep. Or the one in the center is a nearly stock Preiser sheep. I did file off the flash along his back and the remains of the sprue. That's the white circular area on his middle. The ones to the right and left I've painted and gave a wash of india ink. The one to the far left represents a goat. I modeled these after the ones in this picture. Pardon the fence, couldn't be helped.

rblundon's picture

Welcome to Portage,Wisconsin!

Portage is the western staging terminus (semi-hidden) on my Milwaukee Road - Old Line.

The four stub-ended staging tracks are two each at 140" and 150" in length.  The staging lead is a 2.5% grade up to the interchange with the main layout.

arthurhouston's picture


These videos are the basics to get the JMRI OPERATIONS program up and running. Their are many more things you can do with this program in the area of operations. Please join the JMRI user group on for assistance with this program.

This is link to play list.  This like MRH is FREE.


Moonlit Night

A photojournalist friend of mine suggested introducing some moon light to the scene using a blue/white LED. So I used an LED flashlight I had handy and achieved this:


Until next time


Dan S.'s picture

New scenery completed

I have finally got back into the train room to complete more scenery on my layout focusing on the trestle area around North Fork. The forest canopy was done using my method of woodland scenics forest canopy foreground trees blending into puff balls.

arthurhouston's picture

Q&NE LAYOUT 18 Videos

This another great example of outstanding work. These 18 videos on this channel of the Q&NE are outstanding. MR eat your heart out and its FREE.

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