James Six's blog

Modeling Grain Elevators and Feed Mills

Throughout the late 1960s up through the 1990s it seems to me our hobby was heavily focused on the coal mining industry in the Appalachians and even the Rockies. However, these days there is much more attention being directed at the Midwest and even eastern farming areas where both industry and agriculture coexisted. This blog is about modeling grain elevators and feed mills along with supporting industry and operations.

Freight Cars for "Mortals"

This BLOG about my evolving freight car fleet. I want to share what I am doing and hope others will too. Everyone is invited to discuss what the see and read here. You are also invited to tell and show us your freight cars.

Jim Six

Accurail USRA 40-ft double sheathed boxcar detailed, lettered, and weathered for the late 1910s - 1930s.

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