wthayes's blog

Help with Engine ID

Can any ID this AHM/Tempo engine to prototype class?  I can't seem to find an ID for the type.


Pittsburgh & Southern South Pittsburgh Maintenance Yard

First, a sincere thank you to abelida for identifying the building I was working on, and setting me on  the path to get original views of the kit. 

This is how the kit was originally designed to be built:

Original view 01

Original view 02

Request for an assist.

Folks, I'm trying to track down a picture of an old HO scale building.  It was the office of the Weekly Standard newspaper, and I know it was around in the early sixties at least.  I am using it as the base for a scratching building project, and want to show the "before" picture as well as the project results.

The example I have has no manufacturer stamped anywhere on the pieces I have (this building was an incomplete pile of broken parts when I rescued it from my mother's basement 30 years ago). 

Rt 88 Overpass

Thanks for the Image help everyone.  My first direct post, and I am on a LINUX machine.  Anyway, I wanted to share the highway overpass I'm scratch building.  The paint to still a bit wet, but I'm pretty happy with the overall results.

Image help: Why are photos upside down?

Any idea why, when I paste a .jpg image here, it displays upside down?

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