stevo's blog

Cork is down

Adding an update to my progress.

     Got the majority of my roadbed down. All of my mainline, sidings, staging, and some spurs. 

     I started by sanding all of the shine off the foam and putting a light coat of brown interior paint on it. I hate the pink color and it helps me later on when I begin to carve the terrain. (The pink shows through so I know exactly where I am carving.)


I started on my benchwork. After looking at several styles I settled on L girder cantelivered on the wall.

My material list was:

2 sheets 3/4 4x8 plywood (Only used 1 1/2 sheets)

8 8' 2x2's

2 3/4" cabinet screws

15ga x 1 1/4" pin nails

Wood Glue

I attached 1 1/2 x 3/4 furring strips to the wall studs with 3 cabinet screws. The horizontal supports are 3/4 x 3 x 22" ply attached to the furring strips with 4 pin nails. I then used the 2x2 cut at 45 degrees to brace the horizontal braces. They are attached to the furring strip with a cabinet screw and pin nailed in an x patern to the horizontal brace. The L girders are all 3" plywood strips glued and pin nailed.

I was a little bit hesitant about using the plywood and light construction. The benchwork turned out bomb proof. There is absolitely no vertical or horizontal movement. I can put all my weight on it and it doesn't even creak. I could have easily gotten away with using 2 1/2 instead of 3" plywood strips.

I have a worksite table saw, miter saw, pin nailer and air compressor so it made for quick work. Even if I didn't have these I would highly reccommend renting them for 24 hours to do benchwork.

Thanks for reading


Track Plan Is In

I got my plan back early. I struggled making my own track plan with my last layout so I decided to have someone with a lot more experience design one for me. I am glad I did. Several of the industries on here are placeholders and not final. I'll probly tweak a couple of things here and there but this is pretty how it will be.

Moderator's note: made photo in-line, click on it for the larger version. 

Blank Canvas

Just finished up patching the walls and painting the room. Looking forward to starting on the benchwork.

Firing Up The Chainsaw

 I'm not really using a chainsaw. I stared pulling the structures and details off the layout for reuse. This cleared up a section that was ready to be torn out. There was some sawing and pounding. My wife came down and asked me if I was sad. I said no this was a good thing. She left and came back a little while later to remind me to take a break I was getting frustrated.

Grit City Railroad

     I am starting my second layout and wanted to blog my progress.  I had fun practicing on my old layout but got to a point where I don't want to put any more effort into it.  I've read list upon list of mistakes people make with their layouts and I have made everyone of them. I am glad I did.  It allowed me to learn how to fix them, and get better with my skills. I know what I like and don't like, what works for me and what doesn't.

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