VSOTTO's blog

More pine trees

I've been spending my new-found time making more pine trees.  For the ones I showed on my previous entry, I used coconut fiber liner.  For these trees, I switched to using cheap furnace filter material.  I found the filter material to be much easier to shape and trim. Plus it is less dense and easier to pull the layers apart.  This results in a more "airy" tree, which I think looks more realistic.  Here are my results. 

The tree on the right is completed.  I still need to add the turf "needles" to the left one. 

A mere modeling mortal makes Luke Towen's tree

Many are familiar with Luke Towen modeling and fantastic tutorials.  If not, his builds are nothing short of amazing.  As a mere modeling mortal, I decided to try my hand following his pine tree tutorial at


Below are my results.  Overall, I'm pretty satisfied with my first attempt.  They are between 36 and 48 scale fee tall.  I plan to make some more in the coming weeks. 

How I create pine trees

After the great support from my previous post, I finally got busy and created a new batch of pine trees.  Many people asked, so here is a photo journal of how I make them. 



Modeling Trees

Good morning everyone.  I have recently been experimenting with different ways to make trees. 

My goal is for them to look realistic and be economical.  I wanted to share my first results/experiments and ask for some feedback.

I've been examining 1:1 trees and honestly they look really ugly - nothing at like the prefect symmetric pictures you have in your minds eye.  But bunch them together, and they start to look like a forest.  With that in mind, I'm pretty happy with my results. 

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