JohnF281's blog

Need help identifying horn. NS ex SOU sw1500
Can anyone help me identify this horn? It is on an NS ex SOU sw1500 I am working on. Thank you!

Railserve Layout Update Video New Extension
Hello Everyone,
As I was browsing through the recent Weekly Photo thread I saw @Steve kleszyk compliment my recent Video (Thank You Steve). It hit me that I haven't posted here on MRH in some time so here it is.

Rubber Hoses and Layout Update Video
Hey everyone,
Here is a layout update and info on some material I found useful making some hoses for unloading corn syrup cars or any other tank/dry bulk cars.

3D Printed Truck Bodies. *Video*
Here are a couple vehicle projects I have been working on. Both truck bodies I actually designed for and were in a computer game. The crazy thing about 3D printing is all I needed to do was resize the models to HO scale and adjust the underside to fit a frame. The fuel service truck will make an appearance on the layout occasionally to fuel up my industry RSSX Railserve GP7 and SW1200. The Hauler was built only because I designed the bed for this model truck in Farming Simulator and the cab was so cheap. Maybe it will find a place on a farm scene on my future layout.

3D Printed Light Fixtures
In my last Layout Update I mentioned some 3D printed light fixtures that I have been working on. Here are some pictures of them as they came from Shapeways to adding Micro LEDs. With the Just Play system from Woodland Scenics you can easily dim them to the desired brightness and not have to worry about resisters. With my layout being an industrial complex I will be adding a lot of security and work lights. I will post the links below to the Shapeways files.

Railserve Beverage Bottling Facility, Update #6
Another short 2 weeks home before the holidays went by too fast. I took some time re-letter, safety stripe and weather some corn syrup cars. With all of the supplies out I continued onto some structures.

Railserve Beverage Bottling Facility, Update #5
It has been a busy few months for me so naturally not too much progress on the layout although more time on the road equates to more time to browse the internet and buy stuff. I picked up a couple hoppers for my sugar silo, a few Corn Syrup cars that I have started re-numbering along with weathering and a nice display case for some locomotives that don't get to run on my little shelf layout. It was a perfect fit above my lead extension. I tricked it out with a cheap Lowes Floating Shelf and an LED strip to help with the lighting.

Snow Plow Truck
My little shelf layout is basically one large industry complex in the middle of winter. I needed a plow truck that would clear the lots after snow fall. After watching so many Whats Neat pod casts with Mike Buddy showing his amazing HO scale vehicles, I just had to give it a try.
- Trident Chevy Blazer Painted brown

Railserve Beverage Bottling Facility, Update #4
My main production building is finished.... well sort of...
I am really happy with achieving the look I was going for. All of the walls are Evergreen styrene sheets with various angle strips for corner flashing.
The roof is made out of balsa wood, covered with 80 grit sandpaper, and spray a flat black. It looks very convincing in person but way to "new" for this building. It still needs some weathering.
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