cboyan43's blog

Sunrise Feed Mill Kit

I decided to buy this kit and make it.   I looked for other pictures of the kit and couldn't really find much.  I also felt the instructions were a bit on the light side.  So here are some of my thoughts and pics.  I will keep this short and put the pics in the replies.

Freeelanced wood water tower

After becoming the proud happy owner of 18 feet of yard modules, I realized I have a number of buildings I am going to need to build.   The group I am with is modeling 1923 steam operations in southern Ohio.   I can go into that more in another post.   This set of updates is to document my adventure in building a water tower. 

To start, I found a kit from Suncoast Models - No 3010 and a set of plans from Model Railroader for 1870s water tank ( published 2015)

Passenger Car Tales - building old kits

I started one kit, an observation car.  I tried to find the prototype and got bogged down in the research. I then decided to start work on another kit.   This time one with a few less windows, a postal car.   I refined my methods.   The roof on the kits is wood.   I realized that I needed to sand the roof much more than I had.

Accurail Boxcar kit

After a wonderful day at local train, I decided to retire to the basement and survey my recent acquisitions.  I got a hit for a 3 stall roundhouse and a 3 stall add on.  I put it away and decided to look for 2 Accurail boxcar kits I bought last year.   Looking quickly lead to prepping the parts.  A dry fit of parts quickly turned into a completed car.  It honestly felt like cheating when you look at how long I have been working on the F&C car.  OK  it has been on and off work, but still, the Accurail is done and the F&C is still in progre

Funaro & Camerlengo Box car

Because I go stalled on my engine kit, I moved to working on two boxcar kits i bought at the National Convention.   I cleaned the flash, which can be a little bit of a challenge.   You have to make sure not to remove some of the details cast into the resin.  I had to make a special sanding stick to help me.  Nothing grand, just a proper sized popsicle stick and 220 grit sand paper.  One kit I had to put the walls and roof together.   The other kit is a one piece.  Now I am putting the grab irons on.

4-4-2 Roundhouse Kit

This is my first foray into engine kits in more years than I care to type.   My last adventure was an MDC 3 truck Shay.   As I was struggling through that project, nice brand new ones came out that looked good and ran good right out of the box.  I relieved my wallet of some money and relieved me of the stress of trying to get that kit to work.  :)

Now I have a 4-4-2 Atlantic Roundhouse kit I got at a train show for $35+Tax.  ( they were very adamant about charging tax).   

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