FCEN60's blog

Track Plan Critique

Hello Everyone

I thought I would present my track plan here for ideas, critiques, and comments. I've borrowed bits and pieces from other track plans to come up with something that would work for my situation. I like building structures so I added several rail served businesses. Originally it was going to be a straight point to point but then I added another leg to make it an L shape. I discovered JMRI operations and was having fun with that so I added a yard.

Clean up after painting

One of my favorite things is building structures and painting them. I use acrylic paint and have been washing everything in the sink. Sometimes there is a small amount of paint left over in the jars so I run a lot of water and clean them using paper towels. Is this bad for the plumbing? What does everyone else do? I don't paint that often but I just want to make sure I'm not hurting anything.



Moderator note: Added more to the title to make it clear what this thread is about.

Starting Over

I have two 2' x 4' modules with a 2' x 2' lift out section in between them. I've run into a brick wall and I'm thinking of starting over. I'm not happy with the way things have turned out and I'd like to try and do it better. I'm not very far along so it wouldn't take too much time to dismantle. Has anyone else ever gone through this? Do most guys just keep going no matter what? Is there a point when you say to yourself: this isn't working, time to start over. I'd like to hear your thoughts. 


Turnout Question

I want to put a siding off the mainline but I'm not sure what radius to use. I'm using Micro Engineering HO, code 70 #6 turnout. i would like to have the track center lines two inches apart. Is there a way to figure out the radius from the turnout to the siding without using complicated math formulas? Any help would be appreciated.



Question About Wire

I just installed the wiring for my 3 modules. I'm using 14awg stranded for the bus and 18awg solid for feeders.  I stripped one end and made an L shape so it would fit against the rail better. I've seen a lot of modelrailroaders do this. However, when I tried to squeeze the end flat it wouldn't budge. I barely made a dent in the wire. Did I get the wrong type of wire? What is a good brand of wire to get? And where can I get it? It's very stiff and difficult to hold against the rail when I try to solder it.

Modern Lights


If you are looking for modern style security lights and cameras check these out.


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