nztoffee's blog


Hi All,

Its been a while since I posted anything about my layout, more to come about that in another post, so I thought I would post some photos of my efforts. These are all unpainted kits that have been painted and assembled. I tackled the Atlas Silverline GP40-2 first and finished with the Athearn blue box mechanical reefer. This may seem an odd choice of order for first projects but in my defence I had six of the Athearn kits and it made sense to do them all at once when I felt more comfortable with the painting. The P-S 60' waffle sided box car is an ExactRail kit.

Track work

This is the current track plan.

the two corner modules contain all the switches and the majority of the industry and I shall concentrate on them first.

I plan to make all the turnouts before getting started laying track.

My first switch, a left hand No 6.

Decals for a fictitious railroad

As part of my ongoing preparation for my layout I have been experimenting with the livery for my rolling stock and Locomotives. I had planned to get the decals made from my own graphics file. As with a lot of first tries at good ideas there were a few gotchas. I thought I would share.

the design I settled on was magenta lettering on royal blue. 

COSCOL: East Coast Short Line Railroad Company

Hi All,

As well as planning the track layout for my new industrial shelf switching layout I have been developing the back story to the railroad that operates there. I wanted to have a fully rounded layout that had good reasons for being there. It may not have existed but it could have.


New HO Industrial Shelf Switching Layout

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