kengoudsward's blog
Cool CN lashup with slug and GMD-1
I took this photo two years ago in Prince George, BC. Thought some of you guys would dig it.
Kitbashed building flats - conclusion
here's the final installment of my building flat kitbash project.
Kitbashed building flats - part 2
continuing the kitbashed building flats project, this episode is all about painting. I use hand-brushed crafters acrylics for almost all my painting projects.
here we have applied a very uneven coat of the brick colour. I use different colours for each building, or at least a couple different shades so they don't all look like they were built at the exact same time with the same bricks. I want matching era, but not necessarily matching builder and suppliers. Paints used - Heritage Brick, Raw Sienna, Burnt Sienna, Primary Red. Some used straight, some mixed.
Filling in a big gap with a large kitbashed building flat
Downtown Freemantle has a pretty big gap in the scenic backdrop. We need to fill it up somehow, and what better way than a kitbashed building flat?!
So here's the "before" picture:
layout update
Status Report
Benchwork: 95% complete
Tracklaying: 30% complete
Wiring: 10% complete
Scenery: 5% complete
I've done a bit more work on the layout - here are a couple of pictures:
new layout
As you can see the plans have changed a fair bit from the earlier plan. I have secured a better location consisting of half a bedroom, so it is now an L-shaped layout. It will feature a main urban industrial area and a small harbour (something I've always loved!)
Status Report
Benchwork: 95% complete
Tracklaying: 10% complete
Wiring: 5% complete
Scenery: 0% complete
new shelf layout design
Well it looks like I will be retiring my first layout this spring and moving to a more modular shelf layout instead.
Here's a picture of the new design for the main module. Its a 2'x12' urban industrial switching layout.
new shelf layout design
Well it looks like I will be retiring my first layout this spring and moving to a more modular shelf layout instead.
Here's a picture of the new design for the main module. Its a 2'x12' urban industrial switching layout.
Decals have arrived
well it took over a month to get here, but my custom decals have finally arrived!
Tom from Tango Papa Decals ( printed me some beautiful White-On-Clear lettering for my freelanced Great Western Trunk & Pacific.
Can't wait to start puttin em on my locos!
Great Western Trunk & Pacific
I started my layout about a year ago, and it has now reached the stage where I feel I can start sharing a little ;-)
I made a free website at that shows a bit of an overview of the layout.
And just now decided that I'll do a bit of blogging as I go. Projects underway at the moment:
- custom paintjobs, decals and weathering for a few locos
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