2009 NMRA Convention Clinic - Earl Smallshow - The Modeling of Mystic
Earl Smallshaw is a name that has been synonymous with quality modeling for decades. In a 16x16 room in his basement Earl has been constructing the HO scale Middletown & Mystic Mines RR. This free-lanced, 1920's coal hauling railroad has been featured in innumerable magazine articles and is a perenial favorite on convention tours.
Earl presented a clinic at the 2009 Hartford National Convention where he spoke at length on the construction of the town of Mystic. He details how he planned the town, made extremely effective use of forced perspective (you'll swear that Mystic is many feet deep instead of a few inches!), and how he super-detailed the fore-ground buildings in town. For a bonus he also describes the building lights he installed to make the scene come alive at night. Tons of tips and construction methods.
MRH was on hand to record Earl's Modeling Mystic clinic. His clinic was very popular with show goers. Take a look!

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It's not my era or scale but...
It's not my era or scale but the work is simply fanatstic. One can learn alot from the presentation that Earl presents. One thing I did find and maybe it's me but he could have spoken with alot more enthusiasm and bit more clearly.
I would certainly love to see more on his methods of building assembly/modification as I think a lot of us could use this help especially when it comes to city/town planning and location on a layout. Tracks withut buildings just doesn't seem realistic to me.
Thanks for this. It enlivens my week even if took until 10/22/09 to finally get to see it. Keep up the good work guys.
Additional Photos
More photos of Earl's layout from the Layout Design SIG layout tour can be found at:
Enjoy! - one of these days I should probably try and caption some of them.
Modeling a fictional GWI shortline combining three separate areas into one freelance-ish railroad.
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MRH Technical Assistant
Will there be a downloadable version of these? Since I am on a slower speed connection it is easier to download them and view them offline (I take the laptop to a higher speed connection to download etc)
Yes, I will be updating the recent MRH Theater videos to add a download link ... stay tuned.
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog
Wow! I could write all day about what I liked about that clinic.
I really liked the detail on the produce store with the fruit stands in the windows and the patio cover was sweet too. The cafe kitbash came out awesome. The interior detail on that was looked really good. The movie poster looked great. I will deffinately be adopting this technique for my own layout in the future.
Being fairly new to modeling I have to say these kind of clinics make me look forward to trying new stuff out and finding new techniques to share with others as I get more practice and experience.
Thanks Earl and MRH Staff
You're not kidding
You're not kidding ... I place Earl in the same category as John Allen. A real modelers' modeler, one of the true artistic masters. It was a treat to see his clinic in person and to visit his layout. All I can say is, wow!
The really amazing thing is how large Mystic actually is when you see it in person! The entire scene is maybe 2 feet long and 18" deep - no kidding! It's amazing how Earl makes that scene look massive in his clinic.
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog
And if you really want to.....
And if you really want to put an even better perspective on his talents that link Jeff posted to the gallery of more views of his railroad has some more amazing scenes.
Another thing I want to say about his clinic was he really covered quite a bit and it never got boring and he never tried to drag anything out. His long time model railroading expirience is really obvious. Great modeler, great teacher.
Thanks Joe. I will download
Thanks Joe. I will download them overnight and view them tomorrow :)
Earl reminds me of the guy
Earl reminds me of the guy that got me interested in real Modeling and scratch building your structures or kit bashing them. This old man lived about 3 blocks from me and at age 10 I would mow his lawn never knowing he had trains until I was 14 and after finishing on a Saturday I told him I was going to spend the money I made all summer on my trains. He took me inside and almost half his house was filled with a Model RR. It had everything you can think of in 5 rooms and when he talked he sounded alot like Earl. He told me one main thing and that was never just buy a model glue it together and set in on the layout build the model and give each one a life of it's own. Add lots of living details to it, make a story about it and give it people to help make it live but mostly add lots of interesting details that belong to the structure and show the real purpose as to why it's there. Earl does all of this on his RR in that he Gives it life and makes each scene work with the next even though they have really nothing in common with each other except they are in the same town together.
Joe I agree with your statement about placing him in the same category as John Allen. What a great set of Videos and I saved copies of each.
Rio Grande Dan
Audio Updated on the Earl Smallshaw videos
Mea culpa. I messed up when I edited and rendered the original video segments for The Modeling of Mystic clinic.
Fortunately Joe Fugate had some spare cycles (both for himself and his video rendering computer) and more knowledge of dealing with recalcitrant sound tracks that I. He added some audio magic to improve the audio quality of the 4 clips.
These updated versions are now uploaded and present in MRH Theater. To view the new clips you might need to hit your browser's "reload" button while on each of the 4 segment player screens.
If you couldn't make out what Earl was talking about these should solve your problem. Let us know if your audio problems persist.
Charlie (wax in the ears) Comstock
Superintendent of nearly everything