Model Trains Video

ChrisNH's picture

I loved the videos for the Feb "extras"

I really enjoyed this months videos. I had been meaning to buy the DVD they came from at some point but never got around to it.

What really struck me about Joe's design was his willingness to step away from the prototype when it benefitted his design to do so. For instance, moving the branch line further toward Coos Bay. I am sorry, I don't remember the specific names.

LVN's picture

Friday Night Group Central Ops sessions on the LVN

This first one shows Mike and Brian operating the wayfreight which handles a number of local industries on the LVN


The second shows some operations in Richmond Yard.  This time saver switches 21 cars in and 21 out.  The record at prototype speed is 1 hour 33 minutes.


Hey folks here is somthing a little interesting the worlds largest model railroad MINIATUR WUNDERLAND (yes

it is spelled right) is adding an airport and I mean an airport with planes that take off and land. If you google

Miniatur Wunderland you can view quite a few videos on the layout which is pretty incredible. If you google

Gerrits Tagebuch you can see what he is designing for the layout. The videos are in German but they are

really great to watch (there are about a dozen or so) You will see a full working intenational airport with all

LKandO's picture

What a Good Deal

If you don't already have or didn't take advantage of the MRH video special for 59.95 you missed a fantastic deal. I have only begun to watch the stack of DVDs that arrived and already I am impressed. It is really cool to see Joe's layout in action and how he built it. The videos move at a nice slow pace so you don't have to strain to absorb the information.

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