Plaster Cloth

charles357c's picture

If there is anyone out there working on a landscape scenery for there layout and is looking for lower cost Plaster Cloth then is offer by Woodland Scenics. My firm sales the same Plaster Cloth at half the price see are WEB site at Save yourself some time each roll cover about 10 sqft per roll.




This is an ad

Really wouldn't call it spam as they are selling something we can use.  But they should be an advertiser.  Joe???

Bob Hayes


I think...

Bob, I think Joe mentioned in another thread that Charles is one of the newest MRH sponsors and that we should be seeing his banner appear on the sponsors page soon, (likely after the November 1st issue deadline would be my guess).

As a sponsor or MRH advertiser he is welcome to advertise in the forums.

joef's picture

Yep, Charlie's good

Yep, Charlie's good. He's also a prolific promoter of MRH at shows - and he's attending a lot of them over the next several months. If you see him at a show, go say hi and tell him what you think of MRH.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine

Joe Fugate's HO Siskiyou Line

Read my blog

wp8thsub's picture

Identifying Sponsors

To ensure we know who's a sponsor in good standing, would it be possible to add something to that effect to the user profile, so every ad post can be readily identified as legit?  That might save some aggravation dealing with false spam reports to the moderators, since everybody won't remember which forum members are allowed to advertise.  For example, next to Charlie's user ID have "MRH Sponsor" in red or something, possibly with a link to his site too. 

Rob Spangler MRH Blog

Identifying Sponsors

To ensure we know who's a sponsor in good standing, would it be possible to add something to that effect to the user profile, so every ad post can be readily identified as legit?  That might save some aggravation dealing with false spam reports to the moderators, since everybody won't remember which forum members are allowed to advertise.

Good idea!  Now why didn't I think of that?

Identifying sponsors


We can't all think of everything. If we did  would need MRH?


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