jimbob133's picture

Hello everybody , is anyone else having  a problem with JMRI decoder pro or is it on my end. For the last oh say 24 hours i have not been able to get connected , I'm using NCE usb on windows/ chrome . 

Thanks for any input 

Jim ross

GregW66's picture

I had trouble the other day.

My solution (after hours of trying things) was that I had a bluetooth device using the COM port that JMRI was using. I had to disconnect that and reboot for all to be well. 

In the meantime, I reinstalled JMRI, JAVA, disconnected all USB connections to my computer and rebooted several times. 




jimbob133's picture


Thanks Greg for the impute . I have reinstalled both java and jmri as well . I keep getting ( none selected) not found while opening connection. I may have to call my son and have him come over to see what's up with it . Sometimes i realy hate computers !!!!! Thanks again Greg



GregW66's picture

You're welcome

I wish I had a better answer for you. I used to make my living with computers, sales and repair, networking etc... and I despise the beasts. 




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