MRH issue 5 - What's Read ONLINE?

Clicking the Read ONLINE link displays the magazine for immediate reading in your web browser.

Click here to begin reading the magazine online now.

We call this our "Flashbook" version because it uses Adobe Flash technology to present our magazine in an almost printed book form.

  • Viewing the online Flashbook version works best if you stop and read the page you're on.
  • Behind the scenes while you're reading, we're loading the next few pages in anticipation of you flipping to the next page to continue reading.
  • Flipping quickly through the Flashbook pages just to glance at the pages doesn't work very well. You'll rapidly reach the end of the stored pages and then you will experience annoying page load delays.

If you prefer to quickly flip through the pages more like you do a real magazine, then you should DOWNLOAD the magazine to your computer instead.

Click here to download the magazine instead.

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