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Do you take product reviews?
Long answer: As to reviews, we don't do reviews per se - but will entertain a First Look deluxe product announcement. First Look is primarily visual - lots of photos, maybe some video content or a click-n-spin animation, with a bit of neutral text. The text should explain what the product is, but not critique it. We include a button for reader comments and we hope some readers who have the product will comment and give their feedback, and this will form the review part.
How much do you pay for articles?
Short answer: A typical article of 3000 words, 10 photos, and a short video clip will net a payment upon publication of about $230, or about $38 per landscape spread. We expect payment of $200 - $600 per feature article to be typical, although for some longer feature articles we've paid well over $1000. Getting on the cover adds another $100.
Long answer: If we can use your article, we'll pay you for it upon publication. Our standard rates are:
How do I submit an article to MRH?
Short answer: Please submit your articles to us using our article submission form.
Long answer: For detailed sending instructions, see our authors section.
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