MRH website

MRH banner photos...
So you've got some killer modeling and you're thinking you'd like to see if you can get a photo or two into the MRH banner line-up. Here are a few hints and/or tips (I guess I'm not sure what the difference is) regarding how to do that ...

How does one post?
I have made a few posts, and I always write them in MS Word to help me with spelling, grammar, etc. When I copy and paste into this site, I get all the extra metadata the Micorsoft apparently thinks I need (thanks again, Bill Gates!). I have tried a few dfferent ways of doing this from Word, same result.
I end up writing in Word, copying to Notepad to strip out the junk, and pasting into MRH, but then of course I have to put the line breaks, indents, bold, italic and any other tidbits back in.

Page numbers
Joe, is there any possibility of the page numbers for threads being posted at the top of a thread as well as at the bottom. For threads that are very long on the first page it becomes somewhat annoying to have to scroll down each time you return to a thread. It would be much easier to just click to the last page, or the page desired, of a thread that you are familiar with right away, rather than having to scroll down the whole first page, which could be at least a year old in some cases.

Microsoft PC type Reader in the future
I have an acquaintance that works for engineering One of the computer companies. He was talking with a group of my friends and myself last night and we were talking about the Ipad.

FREE SHIPPING 7day only Micro Mark
Hello All!!, I got an E-Mail Today from one of our Sponsoring Advertisers Micro Mark and they are having a ship for free for any order over $50.00 which Ends on 3/7/2010 that this next Sunday.
Sorry to everybody out side the USA but I know alot of you do live inside the ship free zone so I figured I would share this anyway.
As this is a photo of the add I don't think the link works so try tis one

Recent Posts - How "Recent: is Recent
Just "nitpicking", but how are posts selected to be "recent posts"?
I check these out regularly, but some haven't had any "action" for over a year.
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