MRH website

Suggestion for forum and blog screens
It would be nice to have something like a "View All" button to see all the posts on a particular forum topic or a blog on one screen.
For example, I've been following the recent "Sequential Trains Ops: Need a "walk through" please?" forum topic. Many great, thorough posts! So I would would like to copy/paste the posts into a document and make it into an "article" for myself.
I know that I can copy/paste one screen at a time, but it would be really nice to do it just once with a "View All" button.

What's with all the MRH issues in recent posts?
We're just doing some clean-up in preparation for releasing the new Jan 2011 monthly issue later this week ...

Grumpy Hobo Al says:
Please don't put the Monthly Newsletter (with all the new product info) onto the Recent Posts screen because it "pushes" down all the "real" posts.
I certainly enjoy reading the Monthly Newlsetter, just not on the Recent Posts screen.
Thanks for your consideration,

The staff at Model Railroader Read MRH and use the forum for Ideas

Copyright Issues
The discussion of copyright infringement has come up several times on MRH most recently in the Atlas 83 track post. Working in the marketing department of a global company it is safe to say copyright management is a big deal in my life. For something that seems so simple up front it is unbelievably difficult to extract hard and fast rules. For instance, everyone knows you can't reproduce another company's logo but it is also technically illegal to reproduce any of their markings.

Sneak peek - the look of the new MRH web site
Here's how the current mockup of the new MRH web site looks.
Some things to note about the new site look ...
1. We're moving permanently to the new shorter URL - and the site now emphasizes that.
(The old URL - will continue to work indefinitely also)

Can't change avatar
Why can't I change my MRH avatar? I hastily put up the first image I came to when I first signed up on MRH but it is high time I change it to something railroady. Tried but failed.

Positioning the post comments box
I know several of you have expressed dislike for the new positioning of the comments box, but you need to know we have received a lot of emails recently from people complaining about how hard this site was to use for commenting in the wake of my latest editorial in the Nov/Dec issue.
Plain and simple, putting the comments box at the head of the thread just under the initial post makes it really obvious and simple for newcomers who wonder how to post a comment.
Managing the posts on the MRH site
As the MRH site grows, we're starting to see more abuse of this site, especially around free advertising and some confusion over what's allowed and what's not.
To help make this less confusing, we've done some things to this site.
1. Published clear guidelines for posting on this site.
2. Created a new Promotion forum section - which has a forum for MRH advertisers and a forum for Hobby event posts.

Private blog?
I'm just starting my blog and I want to experiment. Is there a way I can do this and not publish it, so that I'm the only that can see it?
Thanks, -Al
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