Locos and rolling stock

jack's picture

Spectrum Shay Decoders

Hi Jack from Star, Idaho.  I have a question about the Bachmann Spectrum 80 ton Three Truck Shay.  I have read about a sound board from Soundtrax for the Shay.  Anyone know about these or what is the best sound decoder for this loco?  Another thing does the yellow capacitor 105 need to be removed with DCC?  I have read too many articals and I guess I'm a bit confused.  I need some advise on what to do and where to get the right product.

Difficult to source items

For my sins I model the N&W plus a few other eastern roads in HO scale 1945 to say 1955 type era.

How to machine loco wheels

 Hey everyone, looking for input on how i can shrink the flanges on my n-scale sw1200 without a few thousand dollars in machining equipment.

Is there a poor man's way to turn down those flanges?

what decoder?

I want to buy the athearn sw1500 DCC ready and install a decoder.

What decoders are avalaible?


Need feedback on two products I'm considering

Hi folks.

I've recently started a couple loco builds.  I have a few blue box Athearn and Rail Power locos, along with the accompanying detail parts, that I've had for some time.  I want to go ahead and build them so I can focus on the more up-to-date loco models available now that require less mods for appearance and smooth operation.

My Questions:


  Hi all,

     I got some Neolube #2 a few months ago,thought I use it,first,on a steam loco wheels.Results were great,the NeoLube,slightly blackened the wheels and [u]No Loss[/u] of power/pick-up.So far,so good,...
My question has to with cure time,even though the NeoLube is alcohol-based(thus quick drying) how long should it -cure-? Durability?
Thanks for any help,Dr Dirt

Espee Business Car Lighting & Tail Lights.

I have noticed on this website alot of pics showing Southern Pacific freight, But what I'm discussing is the issue of  lighting not only the interior of the " Business Car ", which includes Superintendant, General Manager, Regional Superintendants, Office Cars, But also the tail lights, As shown in the links below


smadanek's picture

Wanted new Ready to Run SP Locomotives

I am a member of the British RM Web and several UK Yahoo groups and note that manufacturers (Bachmann UK and Hornby) do pay attention to what modelers are requesting/wish listing.

FKD's picture

Replacing wheels & trucks on On3 Christmas Train

I have a Bachmann On3 steamer that I run under the Christmas Tree, goes well with our Christimas village.

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