Movie Monday Hiatus

_site_admin's picture

With three weeks left until the release of issue 2, all the troops again are focusing on producing the issue so Movie Monday is taking a hiatus until April 20th.

Aw shucks

While I completely understand that the crunch is on and all hands must work the deadline, I am sorry to hear Movie Monday will suffer as a result.  It's one of the things that makes being quarterly bearable.

Looking forward to issue 2!

rfbranch's picture

Bummer....   I agree with



I agree with Blue on this.  It's a REALLY unique and compelling feature of the site so I hope it comes back.  I'm already mulling over a blog post based on one of the LDSIG videos so I think they help spawn user-created content on the site beyond just the videos themselves.


Either way, just want to let you all know to keep up the good work!  It's really appreciated by users like myself!





Proto-Freelanced Carfloat Operation, Brooklyn, NY c.1974

joef's picture

If we make a go of this ...

If we can make a go of this effort so that we can afford to pay a cast of thousands to keep making content, then we'll keep it all running.

But we're not there yet. We need roughly double the number of ads we're currently getting for this thing to be in the black. We're commited to sticking it out for 2-3 years regardless, so in the meantime we have to economize where we can.

Now if anyone has good video editing skills and wants to volunteer their time to produce MRH Theater content, we're all ears ...

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine

Joe Fugate's HO Siskiyou Line

Read my blog

Making a go of it


I'd gladly volunteer some of my time if it would help the cause.  Just say the word.  As to how good my editing skills are, that would be for you to judge I guess.

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