
First of all i will thank Joe and Jeff for exellent reading from the NMRA convention.
I am Eivind, comes from Norway and I am 22 years old. I started with model railroad as a young kid do to my fathers(KnuT) interests in the Hobby. The interests dropped a little when I was in junior high, but when I started high school I got more interested. Today I am modelling in O-scale and HO-scale. Because of lack of space just modules.
For the time being I am playing French Horn in the Band of His Majesty the Kings Guard here in Norway as my compulsary military service, and will in late august finish my service and go back to school studying. That means more time for MR.
Pictures of the modules will come when I come back from Edinbourgh.
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Welcome, Eivind!
Welcome to MRH! I've had some good conversations with your father, KnuT. Nice to see you also here on the web site and to hear about your interest in model railroading. Wait until you see the O scale stuff Peer got in Anaheim - his biggest challenge was figuring out how to get all the stuff into a suitcase to take back home!
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog
Thank Joe,
I am not the only one who can't wait to see what he has got over there. I think he has had problem figuring out how to transport everything over before also.
EivindPT ATSF in the late 1950's and early 1960's in O-scale
You beat me
Good to see you over here, son! You even made a blog before I did. But I have been lurking around here for quite a while.
No, I have not made my own here yet, you have to go to the other blog, but maybe someday.
0-scale stuff is not very travelfriendly, but they look great.
Welcome KnuT and Eivind
Fun to see comments from our foreign friends.
Joe mentioned this magazine to me at Anaheim. I came to see the Digitrax videos (having been there, but very tired). Then I found you two, too!
Happy railroading,
Bruce Petrarca, Mr. DCC; MMR #574
And Welcome to Bruce
Bruce, thank you, and it is very nice to see you hanging around here, too.
I am sure you will have a lot of things to learn us. I have asked Joe to ask you to share some of your great sound and speaker installations.
And thank you for introducing me to the CAMRCC. Isn't the web a great place when you can get new friends in other parts of the world, even if you not have had the change to meet in person?
I do hope, however, that I one day can make my way to Arizona and Oregon.
BTW, do you know "aeromoe" which has a great website on the Peavine?
Sorry, Eivind, I need to make my own blog one of these days, but you know why I don't get so much done
A Shrinking World, Indeed!
This morning (08-14-2008), fellow CAMRRClub member Steve Tucker sent out an email to the membership regarding this new ezine. After looking over the basic structure for the forthcoming January 2009 issue, I opened up a blog at random, and to my surprise I see three names I recognize! Honorary CAMRRClub member from Norway, Knut Tysnes, and his son Eivind, plus Bruce Petrarca of Litchfield Station fame here in Arizona.
I haven't read the small print regarding posting personal web sites yet, but I would like to see Knut post his site so others can keep up with his layout progress, if that is within the rules.
With regard to business web sites, I hope there are no restrictions to referencing a good business, if it pertains to the subject, such as Bruce's.
Read more >>Options >>Our club web site,, has been lacking a webmaster for some time now, and I most apologize that it is not up to date. Wish us luck in finding someone soon.
Knut: We hope to see you again here in Arizona in the not-to-distant future.
Friends through the internet
Thank you. Isn't it fantstic how you can get new friends through the internet!
I hope that I one day can vistit Arizona. But I have never been in America. You don't confuse me with the swede Lars Goran Larsson who have visited you. He has written some articles in Alt om Hobby about his tours in the USA.
I now have got my own blog on the MRH site.
One small error on my part
Hi Knut and Eivind,
Yes, my mind was in neutral the other day when I thought it was you, Knut, who visited Arizona a few years ago, and yes, it was Lars who was actually here. I didn't catch my error until I posted the reply, naturally!
With the American dollar so low these days, this may be the time for the two of you to consider coming West! That would really be great.
I'm going to check out your blog Knut, and thanks Eivind for sharing yours.
Grown up to professional
And now years later, Eivind has been working almost fiver years as an engineer in "Jernbaneverket" - The Norwegian government's agency for railway services.
And he has been in the USA and met some of the people that frequent this site!
Nice to meet you, my name is
Nice to meet you, my name is Randy Earle, I'm 64 and I'm in northeastern Ohio. I model the Nickel Plate and Norfolk & Western in HO scale.