Home / MRCS #127
MRCS #127
Jappe posted the following (about my being on the Model Railcast Show) on a different thread. I moved it over here to avoid highjacking the Publishers Editorial feedback thread...
Submitted by jappe on Thu, 11/18/2010 - 12:45.
Hi all,
Not going to hijack this "the silence can be deafening" thread, sorry, but I got a question for Charlie. How does it feel Charlie, the interviewer getting interviewd? lol
Listened to MRCS #127 last night and it was .
Sorry again for the side tracking.
I guess I didn't stop to think about that. Actually there are so many talented modelers (like Bernie K and Craig Bisgeier) hanging around MRCS that I'm kind of amazed Ryan let me on the show at all...
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Charlie on MRCS
Charlie, don't sell yourself short. Your BCSJ has been an inspiration to me to get out of the chair and down to the basement. Your interview this summer with Ryan on the design and construction of the BCSJ was great, as are your DVDs.
I have a large 1800 sq ft basement for constructing my dream layout. My problem is that I work 400 miles from the basement and only get home one weekend a month. While I plan to return there to retire in about ten years, I am constructing a small part of the layout (KCS in the Kansas City West Bottoms) so I can operate when I come home. Your BCSJ shows that you can have a large layout but don't have to wait until it is complete to start operations.
I have two "air craft carrier" stanging yards. My construction is "dominoes". As I construct more dominoes I just keep pushing out the ends of the layout. I have learned a lot from you and Joe Fugate as a result of watching your OPS DVDs, and have made some significant changes to the layout design to improve operations. I guess what you guys are doing for me could be called a "virtual chain saw layout". Since I have a domino construction I can make major changes to the layout by removing and replacing some dominoes without sending the entire layout to the dumpster.
Thanks, and keep up the good work.
Nice thing about the Bear Creek is that it actually runs smoothly and works pretty much as planned. Some railroads have scenery, lots have cool rolling stock, some have true-to-life operations. The BC&SJ is rare in having all three.
Not too mention...
I have been a fan of the BC&SJ since first seeing the website.
Besides the; smooth running nature, wonderful scenery, attention to detail, real operations, great rolling stock the BC&SJ offers, it also has a, how should I say it, a...quirky charm and a sense that it has a life of it's own...that's the best words I can come up with to describe what I get out of it at least. With the Gazette and Fithers etc. it just seems to "come alive". Something few take the time to do, I think. At least I'm not familiar with many.