Digitrax throttles

After one year absent from my local club due to real life issues I have returned and discovered (quite pleased) that my club have decided to go DCC. I have been using DCC for quite a while now, and nearly all of my locomotives have DCC and most have sound. But my club decided to use a digitrax radio system, while I use a NCE Power Cab. I have decided to bite the bullet and buy one throttle for club use and leave my power cab on my small shelf layout. Now for the big question: Which throttle do I choose? Since the club has a radio setup a radio throttle is nice, but not necessary. I don't need any programming functions, as I use my NCE and JMRI for decoder tweaking. I would like to have control over two different trains, either using a recall feature or simultaneous control. Any thoughts and insights?


Thanks in advance,

Daniel Kramer

kfglover's picture


A UT4R is what you will want. I would expect the club won't want to install a lot of plugin panels (UP-3 or 5's) around the layout if the opted for the radio system. A UT4 (non radio) might leave you along the line with no control over your train.

Ken Glover,

Date: Mar 23, 2021 - Now working on using my 4 TOMA modules in a 13' x 11' bedroom.

HO Digitrax, Soundtraxx PTB-100, JMRI (LocoBuffer-USB), ProtoThrottle (WiThrottle server) 

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Digitrax offers conversions

Digitrax offers conversions on there throttles.  I  got a working DT400 on EBAY and sent it to digitrax and for $65 I ended up with a DT402D, the high end model.  So if you pick a throttle that can be upgraded with a radio, you could always do that later. 

I guess that is a path I cannot walk...

Since I live in South America and it is really hard to send and receive packages from overseas, and can only pay through international credit card. I believe I have to make the most of a relative's trip to US and get the definitive version once and for all...

Thank you

Daniel Kramer

Daniel Kramer

Currently wondering what my next layout should be...


Bruce Petrarca's picture

UT4 R or UT4D, as appropriate for the radio system your club has

I would expect a new installation to have the duplex radio, making the UT4D the choice. But check with your local guru.

With the D version, battery life is a big issue. Do not use 8.2V NiMh or NiCd throttles. Your battery life will be measured in minutes, not hours. I use Lithium 600 mAh batteries that I buy on Amazon: they have LONG life in the Digitrax throttles:


Bruce Petrarca, Mr. DCC; MMR #574

Ditto, UT4R or UT4D.

Ditto, UT4R or UT4D.

DrJolS's picture

Two trains??


How important is this:

I would like to have control over two different trains, either using a recall feature or simultaneous control.

Looks like the UT4 throttles only control one train at a time. To control another train you need to spin two or four dials to change loco addresses every time you switch trains. I haven't dared to do this on our club layout.

If you really want to run two trains at a time with Digitrax then you're looking at DT400 or 402 family. -R or -D to fit the club's system. It seems that Digitrax insists on providing programming capability along with the convenient control of two trains.

Digitrax website left me wondering: throttles are sold either for Europe or for North America and Australia and New Zealand. Nothing said about South America. Gotta leave it to you and your club guru to deal with this.


In a club setting you can run

In a club setting you can run two trains?

DrJolS's picture

Two Trains - more

You can use two UT4 throttles, one in each hand, for two trains. Compare that cost to 0ne UT402.

santa fe 1958's picture


I find the UT4DCE (being over in Europe) more user friendly than the DT402DCE for just running trains. It fits more comfortably in the hand, and is easier (for me) to control a train as it has a bigger knob.




Deadwood City Railroad, modeling a Santa Fe branch line in the 1960's!


Not the usual American sort of club...

We have members with Brazilian trains, European trains, American trains and others (Thomas is a big must have for sons of members AND are allowed into the main layout) so we have 8 separate folded dogbone lines with passing sidings only at the single yard each line has (those lines can be joined either on the yard or through an helix if there are unused lines or members willing to run together), so yes, I am allowed to run as many trains I wish on a mainline I "own". The only exception to this rule is the single HOn3 line that is point to point or point to loop and is designed to be shared with multiple members, with passing sidings placed along the line.

Now that you mention it is kind funny to have an UP intermodal with double stacked containers and DPU passing an ICE somewhere on a generic scenario... But as long as everybody is having fun, it is great.


Daniel Kramer




Daniel Kramer

Currently wondering what my next layout should be...


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