short circuits

Hi folks, I'm new to model railroading and here is my first issue. I just constructed a 9 x 12 DCC HO layout using Atlas flex track. My turnouts are Peco turnouts. Most of my engines run fine on the layout but I have a few that short out on certain turnouts . I run mainly Athearn  Genesis engines and have a few  Broadway Limited and Atlas engines as well. I have 2 NRE Gensets by Atlas , 1 runs just fine and the other shorts out on most of the turnouts. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated

I also have 2 or 3 engines the derail on certain turnouts as well going in reverse.

Peco Insulfrog turnouts

I've used Peco Insulfrog turnouts for many years without issue. Since converting to DCC in 2006 I've followed Alan Gartners recommendation to file down the inside of the rails at the frog to prevent a metal wheel bridging across the two rails at the frog. This method does not increase the dead length of the frog or need periodic replacement.

Rod Tonkin


Western Australia

joef's picture

Covered in the Sept 2018 issue of MRH

Fixing Insulfrog shorts ...

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine

Joe Fugate's HO Siskiyou Line

Read my blog

Have you checked wheel gauge?

Not that all manufacturers are adjustable, but I'd check anyway. 

Also.. does direction matter?  (Did with one of my Genesis locos!)

- regards


treat them like electrofrog

Although not that really that feasible after the trackwork is laid, if you treat them as though they were electrofrog, ie put rail insulating rail joiners in the track leading from the frog end of the switch, that would solve the problem.

Peco shorts

My solution was to glue a 0.005” shim to the guard rails opposite the frog.

railandsail's picture

Vinyl Solution to Shorting Pecos

I was impressed with your solution Bill.

Do you still stand by it??

My solution

My solution to the same issue was first to paint the frogs - which worked fine until the paint wore off. Then I cleaned off the paint and applied very thin super sticky .03mm sign vinyl to the frogs and they have been no issue ever since.




Vinyl applied:


Hi Bill I know it’s been 6 years since you first posted with your shorting frogs on insulfrog switches, how have you made out with them?


Just my input

I sure like seeing this pop up again. And I must say for most layouts, your solution or Joe's are great. Permanent? But I'm lucky. I didn't have that many locos or cars to check. I simply eliminated wide wheels. I replaced them. i.e. I carefully inspected my cars and that was far more permanent. LOL Or maybe it's because I bought my turnouts in November 2019. And they had improved a bit by then. Obviously, those of you who have large numbers of cars might balk at the work. I had over 100 and it only took a few days, off and on, between other chores. When I have a tedious job, I do only a bit at a time, say 30 minutes. Do something else and come back. Just what I did and don't mean to say it's the only solution.

Morgan Bilbo, DCS50, UR93, UT4D, SPROG, JMRI. PRR 1952.

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