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Decoder Pro 3 vs panel Pro programming mode.

Is there any difference in using the "programming mode" which is available in both programs ?   I am programming my decoders using panel Pro via tools - programmers - service mode programmer which ends up with similar panel as Decoder Pro 3.  Other than Panel Pro uses "Paged mode" and Decoder Pro uses "Direct byte mode" and arrangement of some fields,  I can see no differences.  Is there any advantage in using either one ?                      Am I missing something ?

I am using NCE PowerCab & Windows 7 with USB interface cab 8 


JMRI Programming Mode

You can change the programming mode (see drop down menu below) regardless of how you start JMRI. Which mode you chose is more dependent upon which decoder your are programming. Some old decoders can only be programmed in byte mode (e.g., original Digitrax decoders), while almost all new decoders support page mode. If you are only programming one or two locations you will see little difference in operation, but if you are reading or writing whole blocks of CVs page mode will be more efficient (e.g., Write Full Sheet).

Ken K

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JMRI programming mode

Thanks Ken, I always wondered what the diff of the modes were.




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