
Art in Iowa's picture


Do you want the plate as well, or just the stirrup? I would look at Tichy, Grandt or maybe Details Assoc, but they are kinda hit and miss. A-Line may be another.

Art in Iowa

Modeling something... .

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Brass Strip

Why not make your own from brass strip?  Form the basic shape and then turn the top of each leg 90 deg.


Thanks for all your

Thanks for all your help.

Tichi and A-Line have something similar. I can probably make the plate, but looking at many reefers, I noticed they have different stirrups some without the plate. I'm guessing at different periods during the life of these reefers the stirrups must have been replaced or updated. If so, I now have to determine what type I need for the two eras I model.

I do like the idea of making them from brass strips; this way I could get the dimensions more accurate. I found out how deep they are on the ones without plates - about 19 inches.

making them from brass strips

 I usually make my O and S scale stirrups from brass flat wire. Only problem is it sometimes is too brittle to take a sharp 90 degree bend without breaking. For larger scales I cut narrow strips from thin brass sheet and use it instead as it seems a bit softer. I guess one could soften the brass wire somehow before bending if breaks. For HO I'd try the commercial flexible plastic steps first to see if they are adequate. I used some on a 57 foot Athearn mechanical reefer a while back to replace a missing door step and they seemed ok....DaveB

Bernd's picture

Making stirrups

Only problem is it sometimes is too brittle to take a sharp 90 degree bend without breaking.

That's because the brass it semi-hard. Heat to red heat, let air cool and it will bend without breaking. Been there, done that.


New York, Vermont & Northern Rwy. - Route of the Black Diamonds     

jrbernier's picture


  I would use the A-Line 'Style B' metal stirrups steps.  I replace all of my plastic stirrups with these - I just cut off the old plastic ones, drill #72 holes and affix with 90 second epoxy - Much more rugged that the originals or the after market plastic replacements.  And they look so much better!

  They are part #116-29001 in the Walthers catalog.....



Modeling The Milwaukee Road in SW Wisconsin

I went through one of my

I went through one of my parts bins and found some A-Line stirrups that will do. I'm sure glad I saved and salvaged parts over the years. Now I have to remember where I put my glue.

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