Layout lighting

Michael Philpott's picture

  At the NMRA Sacramento fair a couple of years ago, at the silent auction someone had brought in MR magazines that went back to the 60's and well, I had to have help but I won the bid on them all and got them all home. So any more I can't remember which year or month I read about a layout that had been lit up for dusk lighting using various white to red large Christmas tree lights. I can't find the article but it didn't talk about how they had been installed behind the background. One of my questions would be do to the type of lights, should they be placed in some sort of a light weight sheet metal trough with about a 2" space between the wall and the mountains in the background? Or if anyone has any ideas as to mounting them I would be greatful.

thanks, Mike

Use the techniques, but upgrade the actual light sources...

Dear Michael,

With the development of LED lighting, heating and high-voltage safety issues (which prompted the article's suggestion RE mounting the lights in a significant size and structural trough) related to mounting lights down within/next to the scenery have all but evaporated.

Definitely consider using the lighting positioning, aiming, and "effect" information offered,
(the "techniques" of lighting, esp a la theatre-style, have not changed much in decades,
and have been proven effective in venues and applications far-more "mission critical" than most layouts),

but strongly reccomend "upgrading the actual light source in use" to current spec...

Happy Modelling,
Aim to Improve,
Prof Klyzlr


Michael Philpott's picture

The bulbs are the larger size

The bulbs are the larger size but they are an led bulb at least that's what the package says. What that bulb does is broaden the the pattern. We live in a very remote area and that just happen to be available in our area. I guess the question should have also have asked about the distant for the use of the light to get a good pattern. As in sunrise and sunsets the light always comes from the horizon up.

thanks, Mike

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