
While looking through a back issue of MR (July 1988, I think), I came across an article about different types of adhesives, and it included a great chart of the different types of adhesives and their usage vis-a-vis different types of surfaces, slow vs fast setting, smooth vs porous surfaces, holding ability and some of the brand names.  Has anyone seen an updated version of this chart, or one which is similar?

I also found a reference to a similar article in the April 96 MR, but I don't have that issue.

There's a lot of glue out there these days, and an updated chart like this one would be a great help.



joef's picture


Okay, we'll consider it. If anyone wants to volunteer to do the research, we're all ears. Otherwise, sounds like a good staff project.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine

Joe Fugate's HO Siskiyou Line

Read my blog


Thanks for your help, Joe

It it will help, I made a pdf file of the whole article, but I'm not seeing any way to attach a file to the comment reply section.  I could send it direct to your email, if you would like.  At any rate, here is the chart I alluded to, which I think would be a great reference for anyone at any level of the hobby.  Let me know if this chart didn't come through OK.  Thanks.

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