Bonus Extras?

kc2cbd's picture

Is there going to be a schedule for the Bonus Extras?

The last couple of releases the Bonus extras haven't been put up on the site the next day like previous issues.

What is the schedule for the release of the Extras?



Mycroft's picture


i am still waiting on 1 or more extras from the July Issue, I sent them in!  As for August, I had no extras for my article, unless Joe puts up the video I sent with the July part of the article.  Although in Joe's defense I informed him that the 23 seconds of color video of the real City of Miami was copyrighted and he would need to contact the copyright holder - whom I identified.  He may not have gotten permission - drat.

James Eager

City of Miami, Panama Limited, and Illinois Central - Mainline of Mid-America

Plant City MRR Club, Home to the Mineral Valley Railroad

NMRA, author, photographer, speaker, scouter (ask about Railroading Merit Badge)


joef's picture

James - what extras?

James, what July extras that are missing?

As for the other extras ... We are short handed right now with Daniel Nava bed ridden from a serious gall bladder infection and emergency surgery.

So in the meantime I've been pretending to be Daniel for the last 6 weeks or so. Daniel's medical issue has been coming on since June so he's been out for the count for many weeks now. Just glad they finally figured it out and got it taken care of. Doc said any longer and the infection could have destroyed his liver and might have been curtains for Daniel.

Bonus content should get put up today.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine

Joe Fugate's HO Siskiyou Line

Read my blog

Mycroft's picture


I sent 3.5 min of video of the City of Miami, plus 23 seconds of the original train.  I assumed you decided not to use them.

James Eager

City of Miami, Panama Limited, and Illinois Central - Mainline of Mid-America

Plant City MRR Club, Home to the Mineral Valley Railroad

NMRA, author, photographer, speaker, scouter (ask about Railroading Merit Badge)


joef's picture

Bonus extras for August now posted

Bonus extras for August have now been posted.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine

Joe Fugate's HO Siskiyou Line

Read my blog

kc2cbd's picture


So sorry to hear about Daniel.

Glad to hear that they figured it out and that he will get better.



All the Best
Dale Miller
joef's picture

Small outfit and people being out

So sorry to hear about Daniel.

Glad to hear that they figured it out and that he will get better.

Yep, Daniel's on the mend now, but still must rest in bed for another week or so.

That's the thing with being a small outfit, staffed lean and mean. When someone is out, it leaves an awful hole.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine

Joe Fugate's HO Siskiyou Line

Read my blog

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