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Micro-Trains Line Company (www.micro-trains.com) has introduced Runner Packs that consist of four Z scale freight cars with different road numbers. The cars feature Magne-Matic® couplers. Currently available is a quartet of Texaco tank cars with road numbers 8099, 8128, 8246, 8268. The Texaco Runner Pack is priced at $69.95.



Surprising editor's choice for the MT news

MicroTrains announced almost two dozen items in September in N, Z, and HOn3 (even some building kits in N and Z). This Z scale runner pack wouldn't even make the top 10 in terms of interest for most modelers. And the price is incorrect: it's $69.95, not $9.95 (although that would be news!).

If MRH is serious about covering MicroTrains news, an excellent resource is George Irwin's Unofficial MicroTrains Release Report. It's free, but requires a subscription. (and so far he does not cover the structures)

Even a 30-second perusal of the MicroTrains site turns up a number of newsworthy items released in September:
- N scale Auto boxcar with internal loading equipment
- N scale cattle car with trackside loading ramp
- N and Z scale structure kits(!)
- N scale Passenger car runner packs
- HOn3 Gondola
etc., etc.

It's not the most obvious site to navigate, but MT's own webpage has new information every month, as they always have a number of new releases.

MODERATOR NOTE: Corrected the price.


And MicroTrain makes nice H0n3 cars too.


Rio Grande Dan's picture

I'm with Wolfgang

I think I own every one of the HOn3 cars they have to offer so far and they run great with very good free wheeling.


Rio Grande Dan

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