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Derailments - Model trains - MRH feature November 2015







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Buckled track

This would have ben in the middle of summer when the temp would have been in the low 40'sC, (110+F)

Being an Aussie, I know exactly what was said, and it wasn't " Oh, dear the track ahead is buckled, I think we need to slow down and stop".  I think it would have been sh1t the track is F@^$ed, hit the skids(Aussie for brakes) and for f#$k sake hold on, now look out the back and see how many f@&$#ing wagons we have f@#$k%in well derailed, what a c#^t of a way to start a shift.   Then:  whose butt is going to be on the on the road-master's hit list.

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