Old Yardmaster - April News

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Editorial - MRH Apr 2012






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BugCheck April Embedded version P104 - 106

Dear MRH team,

Just a heads-up...
(April 2012 Issue, Embedded version, WinXP SP3 + Adobe Reader 9.5.0)

Page 104 has the Conrail diesel pic interferring with the text

April '12 Embedded Page 104

Page 106 has a pic of the Morgan Hill Models On30 tankcar amidst the Atlas O scale text,
(Immediate thought, "that's a tankcar, not a Volvo earthmover...")

which made it a little difficult to "make sense" of the "lonely" MHM text at top of the RH column.
(Made my heart jump that Atlas might be doing nicely weathered On30 gear though!!! ;-)

Hope this helps...

Happy Modelling,
Aim to Improve,
Prof Klyzlr

joef's picture

Okay, all fixed

Okay, all fixed!

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine

Joe Fugate's HO Siskiyou Line

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