Release dates - MRH issue 9 - Sep/Oct 2010


*** see note in comment thread below ***

Rome wasn't built in a day - and neither is Model Railroad Hobbyist with its many versions and bonus downloads.

Here's the expected release dates for everything related to issue 9:

  • Standard Edition - September 6, 2010, Noon, Pacific Daylight Time
  • Embedded Edition - September 6, 2010, Noon, Pacific Daylight Time
  • Online Edition - September 7, 2010, Noon, Pacific Daylight Time
  • Printer-Friendly Edition - September 8, 2010, Noon, Pacific Daylight Time
  • Bonus downloads - September 6, 2010, Noon, Pacific Daylight Time

We're running a few hours late on this issue, so we won't be releasing it a day or so early as we have for recent issues. Going to all these summer shows to promote MRH took its toll on our time back home to work on the magazine!

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Just in time

Its 6:10 AM here in NYC. Noon Pacific time is a just under 9 hours from now. I guess I can wait. It'll give me a chance tyo catch up on my Netflix videos.


joef's picture

Some notes on issue 9

Issue 9 is 157 pages, and there's over 600 MB of extra bonus video downloads this issue ... it should be out in another hour or so.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine

Joe Fugate's HO Siskiyou Line

Read my blog

Issue 9

Just downloaded it. I haven't had a chance to go through it yet but it couldn't have come at a better time since I am out of reading material.


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