MRH - October 2009 Issue - Read online BETA

Watch this video demoing how to read MRH online!

Try our new online version of the October issue!

We've been testing our online reader with our newsletters, so with the October issue of MRH, we're now testing it with our magazine!

This "Flashbook" edition gives you "near-instant" access to MRH without the need to download. There is a slight delay as individual pages cache in your browser, but you can start reading the magazine almost instantly!

Please give it a try and let us know what you think.


joef's picture

Flipping through the magazine versus reading the magazine

Because of the page caching delay, flipping through the magazine quickly just to glance at all the pages isn't the best way to use the viewer.

The online version works best if you use it to *read* the magazine, since while you're reading a page, the viewer is caching a few pages on either side of your current page location - which means when you finally do flip to the next page or flip back a page, the response will be near-instant. But that's only if you've been sitting on the current page for a while, reading it.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine

Joe Fugate's HO Siskiyou Line

Read my blog

It worked good for me.

I tried it out and it worked just as you suggested it should, Joe.  I originally tried flipping through the magazine before reading this thread and found exactly the problem that you outlined in the above post.  After I started this response, I thought of another experiment, and went back to the beta version and went to the table of contents and clicked on an article near the back of the magazine to simulate the situation where someone reads it like I do, a few articles at a time and then comes back later to read a bit more; and it worked great.  I doubt if I will use the beta version because I like to have all of the issues cached in "my documents", probably a hold over from saving paper magazines through the years.  Saving a digital version in my documents does take a lot less space on the book shelf than papaer mags however! 

I did run into one problem

I don't know if it was related to the beta edition, this rain storm we are having in So Cal right now, my fiber optic internet connection, or a problem with my computer, but I put the beta version in full screen, and my browser went to full screen mode with everything I opened thereafter.  The escape key did not produce any response at all, and I finally closed Firefox and reopened it to get back to normal view.  I suspect the "bug" I ran into has nothing to do with anything you are doing on your end, but thought I would let you know just in case.

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