elocklin's blog

Richard Bale's definitive modeler's guide to prototype freight car trucks.....

Mr. Fugate,  I just had to comment on the great article in the MRH #100 entitled:  Richard Bale's definitive modeler's guide to prototype freight car trucks....  I really enjoyed reading it and look forward to more such articles.  I'm especially interested in passenger car trucks.  I hope Mr. Bales continues forward into covering passenger car trucks in the same way he did freight car trucks.  Thank you for a great eMagazine.


Ed Locklin at mp367

Removing rubber stamped lettering from car sides

Like most folks, I purchase decorated models offered by different manufacturers.  I'd like to know if anyone has a suggestion for removal of only the lettering of a car side without damaging the factory paint.  If the lettering were decals, that would be easy but this is stamped on lettering I'm talking about.  Thanks for the help.

Ed Locklin at mp367.

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