Onizukachan's blog

SP ‘53 Daylight and Overnight pt 2

Decoders,  and Solders, and Programs, OH My ! 


In this blog I will share a little about my experience as a first time decoder installer. 

What I did right, and what I did different. And what I would do different next time. 

The Kato F3A takes a drop in decoder, and these are not super difficult to install in and of themselves. 

How I got here... SP ‘53, Daylight and Overnight.

Wow, what an battle. Despite the best planning and research, you always learn a lot when you do something for the first time, and boy were there a lot of firsts here in the last few weeks. 

But since this is my first blog post for MRHmag forums, some background. 

Hi I’m Richard. 

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