Pit's blog

'Lodores & Silvertown' Update - Track laying -
I have started laying track in the visible area of the layout. I use a jig to keep the right spacing between the ties. I have stained the ties with an alcohol-ink mixture.
I use a adhesive tape to hold the ties in place.

Wooden trestle
I have milled jigs from styrene to built wooden trestles in HOn3. With these jigs, it's easy to built even large trestles. Here are a few pictures:

Trackplan 'Lodores'
Hello everybody,
I have starting my home layout 'Lodores & Silvertown' in HOn3 (23' x 10'). The layout is a freelance design of an RGS branch line in the Rocky mountains.
I have created a blog, showing the construction progress of the layout:
Happy new year

HOn3 Layout
here is a video from my new HOn3 exhibition layout 'First Snow on the High Line'. The visible part of the layout is only 2 x 0,5 m (approx. 3.28’ x 1.64’).
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