r0d0r's blog

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Operating Session No. 250 on the K&T Rly

I think it’s a bit of a milestone reaching Op Sess 250 (yes I have been counting.) My first operating session was in January 2014 after doubling the size of my Kayton Shortline (see MRH #54 - Aug 2014) Two years ago a massive 2 foot by 3 foot extension was added to create the current (and final) “J” shaped layout.

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A milestone on the K&T Rly - 100th Op Session

The Kayton Shortline was a $500 Railroad published in MRH #54. Even before it was published the layout had been expanded to the Kayton and Tecoma Rly, a point to point two person switching layout. The layout has a total length of 15' end to end and a 'mainline' of three inches between yard limits! Most operating sessions have two operators using a two position car card system. An operating session takes between 90 and 120 minutes to complete..

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Why I don't RailFan on my home layout

or: Why I dislike ovals.

We all know that oval layouts suck space out of a layout room by demanding access to all sides of the layout. Yes, you can push them up against the wall but then there is the old reach issue (I'm 5' 8" - I don't reach that far).Having recently returned to the hobby after 30 years doing life (marriage, kids, teens and then their marriage) I initially fell for the oval.

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