What's the best file format to send you for my ad?

Short answer: PDF is the absolute best, because it embeds all the needed fonts in the document. High quality JPG is second best.

Long answer: Please provide your ad in one of these formats:

  • PDF (best, because it embeds all fonts)
  • JPG (second-best - make sure it's high-quality - 90% or better)

We can also take:

  • PSD (photoshop format)
  • TIF (tag-image format, older high-quality format)
  • PNG (adjusts gama automatically between PCs and Macs)

If your application does not have native PDF output, then we recommend the free "print to PDF" program, CutePDF.

You can download a copy of CutePDF for PCs here:


When running CutePDF for the first time, it may tell you it needs to download and install the PS2PDF converter - go ahead and say yes if it asks to download and install this needed utility.

To use CutePDF, just print your document and select CutePDF as the printer.

Make sure you select the proper page orientation for your ad (portrait or landscape) and then select the fit to page option to make sure all of your ad makes it onto the PDF page.

Then send the PDF to us using the MRH upload site:


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