MRH magazine

Finally Finished
It took me awhile, but I finally finished reading all of the MRH issues in sequence. I must say that the format that has been developed at MRH is delightfully refreshing. I found the articles informative and interesting. Your ads are unique and I like that. Simple, but eye catching. I can't say that I click on all of them, but I do check out a few in each issue and will continue to do so. If they have what I'm looking for as time goes on, and the "price is right", you can bet I'll order from them.
Question: MRH articles and the NMRA AP Program
All; I was wondering, under the rules as I understand them, the NMRA AP would classify MRH articles as electronic publishing, or would it? Since the magazine(E-Zine) has a publisher and an editor would it count as a circulated magazine? The rules are changing and I don't believe the AP rules have been re-written in response. After all it was a bit easier when we had 5 or more national model railroad magazine to submit to.
Issue 6 doesn't fit on the screen
With Issue 6 I found that if I allow it to be displayed full screen, I cannot see the right had side of the screen.
No video on latest issue
If anyone is having video problems, this is what I found.
I downloaded the embedded Mar/Apr issue of the magazine and found that none of the video content would play. Going to the Blip-TV site for help was of no use whatsoever as it seems to deal with online video only. On changing from full screen view in Adobe I noticed a warning,(which is not visible in the full screen mode) that Adobe had disabled some functions for safety. Allowing these functions to run restored the ability to view the videos.
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