
Great work everyone last week!  Time to start of this week's photo thread!

As always, we get as much out of your in-process photos as we do the highly polished "all done" shots!


Blog: The Nelson and Fort Sheppard Railway


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Still watching


A nice summer day for watching the local freight.


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MikeC in Qld

Very nice,Andrew

A few from my H0 layout

I've weathered one of the new boxcars. It's only a few years old.


Some new Intermountain hoppers


and a U23B does some switching


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"Concussion Cabin"

Andrew: I always enjoy your photos. Your work is awesome and it's neat that you model basically the same thing I do!

Mike: Your winter modeling is ridiculous!  

I received a bad concussion in high school soccer about 6 months ago. During the weeks of recovery I got so bored so I told my mom I'd be out in the train room. Here's a little something I scratchbuilt for the sake of sanity! Now that I look back at it, some of it I can see the work was definitely done with little amounts of brain power!



link to my blog:

Modeling Burlington Northern railroad's Nelson Subdivision in 1981

David Stringfellow

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MikeC in Qld

Thanks David. That's a nice

Thanks David. That's a nice little scratchbuild you have there.


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Thanks Mike and David!

Mike, excellent modeling and pictures!

David, that's a nice little shack. I'm also thrilled that you model a line I grew up with. (thought I was the only one!


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Working on installing LEDs and DCC in my engine

I thought I would share my progress of installing the small SMD LEDs lights in my PBL Sn3 K-36 steam engine.

In the front of the engine I have 5 of the LEDs threaded. One goes into the headlight, two go into the classification lights (one on either si
de of the headlight) and two into the number boards (one of either side of the stack). 

Another LED goes into the ash pan to represent the firebox light. The tender gets its own back up light.

I am going to use the Econami decoder because it is small enough to fit inside the boiler. The white wire from the decoder will control the headlight, the yellow wire will control the backup light, brown wire will control the classification and number board lights and the green wire will control the firebox light.

The LEDs are a little to bright, so I will dim them down with 3.3K resisters and tint the LEDs with a drop of Tamiya clear orange acrylic paint (this gives off a yellowish/orange tint).

Attached is a picture of my madness with LEDs threaded into their positions. Those tiny yellow globs are the LEDs waiting to be tinted and go into their final position. It takes quite a bit of patience to thread these tiny wires through tiny holes.


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Great work this week as

Great work this week as always everyone!  Hope all those that celebrated had a great Thanskgiving and got some extra time working on the layouts in.  I know I was able to sneak away here and there.  Got started putting in some asphalt roads for my town area.  See how this turns out.



Have a great rest of the weekend!

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Good stuff from everyone.

A trio of Alco RS's crossing Hammer Creek.

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ALCOs at Hammer Creek

A really excellent photo DJ!  I like very much the lighting as well as the ground cover and foliage.

Bob Bochenek   uare_100.jpg 

Chicago Yellowstone and Pacific Railroad     

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C-430's moving iron ore

Splitrock Mining Company bought two Alco demonstrators and added beacons and company horns. No word on whether they will repaint them. The grey and black contrast nicely with the usual yellow-industrial paint on the other engines. 


Thomas Gasior 

Thomas W. Gasior MMR

Modeling northern Minnesota iron ore line in HO.

YouTube: Splitrock323      Facebook: The Splitrock Mining Company layout

Read my Blog


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Thanks for the kind remark, Bob.

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Rocking along

Today I colored the rocks at the base of the mountain.  Next up will be adding foliage on and around the rocks.




The Richlawn Railroad Website - Featuring the L&N in HO  / MRH Blog  / MRM #123

Mt. 22: 37- 40

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@ Thomas

I like that paint scheme on the demonstrators.  Could Split Rock have new investors bringing in a new corporate identity?  Could be cool.




     Dennis Austin located in NW Louisiana


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Ray Dunakin

Great stuff all around,

Great stuff all around, guys!



Visit to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

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Corrugated Iron

Just a few picks from my latest tutorial video.




I've had a blitz on corrugated iron... there is 151 individual sheets of corrugated iron on that shed! Not to mention trees! There are 20 large trees and 23 smaller trees on a small diorama measuring 18 by 20 inches.

I'm not sure if you can see it all that well but my favorite part of this diorama is the car windscreen, I tried to make it look dirty and have a clean area where the windscreen wipers would wipe across the windshield.




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That looks amazing Luke!


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Nice shot

Nice shot Andrew

 Modeling Penn Central and early Amtrak in the summer of 1972


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Good job. I like the dark sky

 Modeling Penn Central and early Amtrak in the summer of 1972


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Great pictures, great work of

Great pictures, great work of all! Thank you for sharing!


Cheers, Bernd

My website - my MRH blog

and on Facebook where I write about all my new projects.

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Every week a great pleasure!

Love this Thread with so many talented Friends around the Globe.

My entry is a fake Background (Photoshop) merged with a real H0 stuff in the front. I've tried to give it the same look like the "Polar Express Movie".


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Virginian and Lake Erie

JURG, that is really a great

JURG, that is really a great picture, I suspect you might be able to sell copies of that one if you have not used something that was copyrighted in your back ground, very artistic.

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Tim Latham


That is fantastic, Jürg!


Tim Latham

Mississippi Central R.R. "The Natchez Route"

HO Scale 1905 to 1935


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Really great photos being submitted!



Modeling Missouri Pacific Railroad's Central Division, Fort Smith, Arkansas


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Jurg, I've never right

Jurg, I've never right clicked on a photo so quick before to make it my computer background than when I did when i seen that photo.  Stunning !

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