Missouri Pacific Railroad, Willoughby, Arkansas branch

Playing with Sculptamold today! 

This is the second scene on my layout next to the soybean complex(see previous blog entry's).  This area will have a MOPAC depot, (Used for MOW storage), and general store. Two wood kits structures that have been completed.  

"The world is not flat" so I try and maintain a sense of realism by creating land contour where structures are not present.  Given my layout is set in rural Northwest Arkansas, rugged hills are very common around man made structures.  

The clear area to the right is where the general store will be placed.  Upper left, cork road bed, is where the depot will sit.  Hills on left and right will contain forest and undergrowth.  Hills across the track along the back drop will be filled in with trees and undergrowth.  

The red mixing bowl in the background is where a small scrap yard will sit. (Next scene on the to do list). 


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