Would you want an ad-free MRH that has a $5 cover price?

No, keep the ads, they're content to me, I like MRH being free
89% (276 votes)
No, I can put up with ads if that means I can get MRH for free
10% (32 votes)
Yes, I would gladly pay $5 for an ad-free version of MRH
1% (2 votes)
Total votes: 310


"From the pages of MRH ..".

Those kind of books can be very handy since they compile all the info on a certain subject in one place....DaveB

ChiloquinRuss's picture

Ads or no ads the beauty is online!

How many times when we were all rags did we see an ad and contact the company only to find they were already sold out or that the product will out next year!  All this because of the long lead times for printing a mag.  Now I have an online mag where the ads are HOT, that is they are live links to the companies websites!  How cool is that!  Also in the articles al the references to products are LIVE and HOT links to the various vendors, also very cool!  So to me the answer to your question I like the ads especially in an online format such as MRH!  PLEASE keep up the great work, and thank you too to the vendors that have seen the light and jumped on board!  Russ

http://trainmtn.org/tmrr/index.shtml  Worlds largest outdoor hobby railroad 1/8th scale 37 miles of track on 2,200 acres
rmendell's picture

I would pay for MRH

I would pay for MRH ad free or not.  I think if you provide value then you should get paid for it.  MRH provides value to me.  Mind you I am a P.ENG and by mandate are not allowed to work for free as part of our public safety oath so I am biased i guess.  I have dropped my MRR subscription as I was no longer gettting much value from it as the topics just repeat for each month year after year.  I still have my Model Railroad Craftsman sub, but in digital because I hate storing paper magazines. 

 I purchased the ebooks and trainmasters TV to help support what Joe and the MRH gang are producing, and for me they are the best content MRH has to offer.

joef's picture

Paying for an ad-free MRH?

The idea with us is there's two basic business models we employ ...

1. Free to access, but ad funded

2. Pay to access, but no ads

MRH is the first model, eBooks are the second model. (And of course, TMTV is the second model.)

I personally don't think it's a good idea to mix the two or confusion will ensue. If we want to take magazine content and do business model 2, then we create topic-focused eBooks and repackage the material - we don't employ a "basterdized" model of mixing the two in one product.

Joe Fugate​
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine

Joe Fugate's HO Siskiyou Line

Read my blog

Bill Brillinger's picture

Now you're making sense...

I personally don't think it's a good idea to mix the two or confusion will ensue. If we want to take magazine content and do business model 2 then we create topic-focused eBooks and repackage the material

This makes the most sense to me.

- Bill
Modeling the BNML in HO Scale, Admin for the RailPro User Group, & owner of Precision Design Co.


jwhitten's picture

I like the ads

 I like the ads. I often see stuff that I want. Even if I don't click through immediately or am not ready to purchase right away, I often keep an ad in mind for later when I'm ready.

Modeling the South Pennsylvania Railroad ("The Hilltop Route") in its final days of steam. Heavy patronage by the Pennsy and Norfolk & Western. Coal, sand/gravel/minerals, wood, coke, light industry, finished goods, dairy, mail and light passenger service. Interchanges with the PRR, N&W, WM and Montour.
jwhitten's picture

Put up a DONATE Button

Why not put up a donation button for people who would like to voluntarily give you money for the site / magazine.



Modeling the South Pennsylvania Railroad ("The Hilltop Route") in its final days of steam. Heavy patronage by the Pennsy and Norfolk & Western. Coal, sand/gravel/minerals, wood, coke, light industry, finished goods, dairy, mail and light passenger service. Interchanges with the PRR, N&W, WM and Montour.
Verne Niner's picture

Know your customer

I agree that MRH is best free...Joe, I think you intrinsically get that. 'Forever free'...means just that, and you know your customer.

As for scratchbuilding articles, MRH readers should be careful for what they ask for. It's not a lost art, but it's not seen in many railroad magazines, and for a reason. Most modelers say they want quick results out of the box. What they really want is to be inspired and amazed...and excellent work that captures their imagination will propel their interest in the hobby. However, that's a long leap between the two extremes.

While long, all-out scratchbuilding articles have their place, I think of it as 'seasoning' for each issue...the core content should remain more approachable topics that give the reader a choice to 'go as far as they choose'. They can keep a project simple, or they can take more elaborate steps explained as optional in the article. That provides something for everybody. Let's remember, for relative newbies to take on stratchbuilding, they need early success building the skills that allow them to take on that ultimate challenge.

While MRH is generally written for the experienced modeler, we're always wanting to reach out to new people who are interested in the hobby...and to encourage and inspire. Just my two cents...I have found a good balance in MRH. 

Michael T.'s picture

I would like to see....

Scratch building on a budget type articles with things built from common ordinary materials like cardboard and such.

I think they used to have those type of articles in MR back in the day....or so I've heard.



Original member of the "Gang of Six"

R.I.P. Verne Niner. The time I got to know you was way too short my friend.

"We all model the prototype, to suggest otherwise is ridiculous"

My Pike, https://mrhmag.com/blog/MichaelT


Leave it as is and add a donate button via paypal

The button would give us a chance to say thanks and the money received could do a lot of interesting things to help us all.  I would be happy $2.00 a month good value extremely good. Ads are the hobby unless one has time and plant to run the basics which no one has. More ads the better but try the button please.

Regards From Downunder... Kenn

tyndalljohn6's picture

Be free or not to be free

I like it like it is....unless you start putting animated postcards that fall out when you turn a page.....although that would be fun to see!

John T

John C. Tyndall SR
Modeling in N Scale the
Mooers (NY) Junction Railroad
in Manchester NH


Keep the adds I rely on them

Keep the adds I rely on them to keep up with whats new.

The ads are valuable for many reasons

The ads are a valuable part of the overall content precisely because they are model railroad ads. I clearly recall the inspiration I derived from ads in the old print magazines as a pre-teen--inspiration that has continued to keep me involved in the hobby to this day. Until a few years ago, I had the full page Fine Scale Miniatures Railcar Shed ad thumb tacked to my workshop wall for inspiration.

In fact, I have lately begun collecting the bound volumes of the print mags, beginning in the 1950s and forward, and I find the sixty-year-old ads to be fascinating and still inspiring in their own way (part nostalgia, I am sure).

Regardless, I regularly and frequently click through and often spend considerable time on manufacturer's and dealer's websites, and have made purchases at my local hobby shop based upon products from your ads. Please keep them and please keep your current business model--it seems to be working just fine, and it is a wonderful resource.

George Nagle, Harrisburg PA

Al Brough's picture

The ads have been fantastic

The ads have been fantastic to see what new items are available that I may not have known about otherwise.

Nano oil is a perfect example and I bought mine through the MRH link. 

Al Brough
Sydney, Australia
Fast Tracks, Digitrax & JMRI
Free-mo ZA

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